Subject: RE: Water flow rate
Author: Steve
Date:   7/31/2018 10:20 am EDT
Thanks for the post,Todd.It helps to vent our frustration! Glad you put the thermometer advice out for everyone. I have been doing that too.
I guess we really have no choice but to go with the flow!😊
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 Water flow rate   new  
Bob 7/9/2018 8:28 pm EDT
 RE: Water flow rate   new  
Steve 7/15/2018 5:20 pm EDT
 RE: Water flow rate   new  
Todd 7/25/2018 3:48 pm EDT
 RE: Water flow rate   new  
Steve 7/31/2018 10:20 am EDT
 RE: Water flow rate    
Steve 7/31/2018 10:20 am EDT
 RE: Water flow rate   new  
Steve 7/31/2018 10:20 am EDT
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