Subject: Third Sunday in Advent
Author: Serra International
Date:   12/19/2016 1:38 am 
As we come into the third Sunday of Advent, we celebrate something special at Mass, we celebrate Gaudete Sunday. This is not a feast day, but rather a designated time for the Church to celebrate being halfway through the season of Advent. Gaudete is a latin word meaning to rejoice, and that is what we are called to do this Sunday is to rejoice because the celebration of Christmas is almost upon us.

During this Sunday, the liturgical colors are rose, and the color rose signifies the feeling of rejoicing. So what is all this rejoicing supposed to do for us besides leave us with warm fuzzy feelings after Mass? Well, hopefully, it is a call for us to continue to dive deeper into our spiritual lives in order for us to truly allow Christ to enter into our lives this Christmas season. We go from the more somber Advent which includes a more somber music selections as well as the priest wearing the liturgical color of violet which symbolizes waiting and penance, and we take a break from that to celebrate this time of rejoicing as we prepare for Christ.

Take a moment this Sunday to ask, what have I been doing to improve my spiritual life, or what have I been doing to allow for Christ to enter into me during this Christmas season? There are many events occurring throughout the region such as offering the sacrament of Reconciliation more often as well as the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Try to attend one of these events and spend time receiving God’s infinite graces. If you are unable to attend pray the Rosary or attending a weekday Mass and remember that this Sunday is a time to rejoice because the celebration of Christmas is almost upon us.
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 Third Sunday in Advent  new  
Serra International 12/19/2016 1:38 am 
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