Subject: Arise and stand
Author: Tony Perkins
Date:   7/3/2020 2:44 pm 
If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? This was the question David asked in Psalm 11. Those around him, who were looking only to the natural world may have answered with things like "Run away." Or "Flee to mountains." "Get as far away as you can."

But David knew he could not hide, too much was at stake. If law and order, the foundations, were destroyed, what would the righteous do? What hope, what future would they have?

Listen to his answer:

"The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord's throne is in heaven; his eyes see, his eyelids test the children of man." (Psalm 11:4 ESV)

David didn't hide in the hills. He took his refuge in the Lord.

The foundations of our nation are being shaken with protests and riots, with uncertainty spreading like the coronavirus that has created it. Lawlessness is breaking out in the streets and courtrooms alike. For us, it is not time to flee to the mountains, or retreat into hiding out of fear. No, for followers of Christ in America, it is time to arise and stand. It's time for us to seek the Lord on behalf of our nation and stand firm upon and for the truth, which is the foundation for all just and prosperous societies.

This past week, we at FRC held a special broadcast to both remind us of, and encourage us in our calling as followers of Christ to stand firm for the truth of God. Our featured guests included Dr. Ben Carson, U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Congressman Mike Johnson (R-La.) who serves as chairman of the Republican Study Committee, Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) who serves as chairwoman of the Values Action Team, Bishop Garland Hunt, Pastor Hernan Castano, and Pastor Carter Conlon, overseer of Times Square Church in NYC and author of It's Time to Pray. We were also joined by former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, former Cincinnati, Ohio mayor Ken Blackwell, and FRC's Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin.

As we approach Independence Day, I invite and encourage you and your family to watch ARISE & STAND as we continue into the second half of a year that's already seemed like a decade. As Congressman Mike Johnson reminded me on the program, "We have a biblical admonition to contend for the faith. Not just when it's easy, but especially when it's difficult." We don't have to wait for that difficulty. It's already at our door. Arise and stand with us.

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