Subject: Searching for female born in PR, adopted NY 1948
Author: Raelynne McFadden
Date:   10/24/2021 6:36 pm CDT
I'm searching for a female who was born in Caguas, PR but possibly sent to NY as an infant for adoption. She used the name Sherry Ann Smith and a birthdate of April 29, 1948(it's possible that either is true). Through DNA searches, we found her father to be Juan Marcos Lasanta, b. 1910 in PR. He had an affair in July 1947, which possibly took place while he was in NY. When he and his wife attempted to get the child in 1949, both mother and child were gone. As an adult, Sherry said she was adopted in NY. Please email me with any information. a911girl38@yahoo.com. Thank you!
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 Searching for female born in PR, adopted NY 1948  new  
Raelynne McFadden 10/24/2021 6:36 pm CDT
 RE: Searching for female born in PR, adopted NY 19   new  
joan Edelman 1/2/2022 2:39 pm CDT
 RE: Searching for female born in PR, adopted NY 19   new  
Rae McFadden 2/5/2022 2:08 pm CDT
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