Subject: Looking for my grandmother and family
Author: Angelika Viewins-Medearis
Date:   2/5/2022 8:18 pm CDT
I am looking for my grandmother and or her children (aunts, uncles, cousins) if she had anymore.
My mother Judy E Washington was born in Mannheim, Germany on July 9, 1957. She was adopted by US Army Willie Anderson Washington and Doris L. Washington. My mother is now deceased, but I do know that she was born as Judith (not sure of last name). I am desperate for any leads or information.

Thank you
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 Looking for my grandmother and family  new  
Angelika Viewins-Medearis 2/5/2022 8:18 pm CDT
 RE: Looking for my grandmother and family   new  
joan Edelman 3/21/2022 5:20 pm CDT
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