Subject: Boy born 12-17-1967 Carson City, MI
Author: Debra Zerba Webber
Date:   4/1/2023 6:05 am CDT
Adoptee Birth Date: 12-17-1967
Adoptee Gender: Male
Adoptee Birth Race: White
Name given to Adoptee by Birth Parents: ?
Adoptee Birth City: Carson City, MI
Adoptee Birth County: Montcalm County
Adoptee Birth State: Michigan
Adoptee Birth Country: USA
Adoptee Birth Mothers Name: Roseanne K Zerba-Kehres-Fields (Deceased)
Adoptee Birth Mothers Maiden Name: Zerba
Adoptee Birth Mothers Race: White
Adoptee Birth Fathers Name: Dennis Burns (Deceased)
Adoptee Birth Fathers Race: White
Adoptee Birth Hospital: Carson City Hospital
Adoption Agency or Attorney: ?
Age of Adoptee when Adopted: Infant
Name given to Adoptee by Adoptive Parents: ?
City adoption took place: Carson City, MI ?
County adoption took place: Montcalm
State adoption took place: Michigan
Country Adoption took place: USA
Adoptive Mothers Name: ?
Adoptive Mothers Maiden Name: ?
Adoptive Fathers Name: ?
Email Address: djzmom3@yahoo.com
Searching For: Adoptee
All Other Information: Baby Boy was born on 12-17-1967 at Carson City, Hospital, Michigan weighing at 3 lbs., 4 oz. I am searching for a baby boy that my sister had. She has since then passed away in 1979. I am reading my grandmothers journals and have found this information. Please contact me!!!. (Update) Birth mother was born on 5-19-1952, so she would of been 15 years old at time of birth. She was around 5'7" tall, with hazel eyes and dishwater blonde hair. She passed on 4-3-1979. Birth father Dennis Burns was born on 9-17-1949 and just passed away on 7-17-2019. I have done DNA testing with 23andMe.
Date Received: 10-17-2019
Date Posted: 10-22-2019
Last Updated:11-15-2019 & 10-24-2019
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 Boy born 12-17-1967 Carson City, MI  new  
Debra Zerba Webber 4/1/2023 6:05 am CDT
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