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 Subject: Trial Info
Author: Chickie
Date:   5/1/2005 5:33 pm CDT
Patti Ann & Tony thank you for sharing this info. I have been in the dark for so long, as many of us have. This sheds some light on that awful February day. The day they took your baby away from you, and the day I lost 3 cousins , Nick, Patti Ann and Tony.

I find I have no many questions, so many unanswered questions just like you do. Upon reading these documents I am just so furious! Once again, these people did NOT do their jobs correctly. How can they not take blood samples, this could have been a clue, was it Nicks blood only or another person also. If it was tested and it came up with two blood types we would know someone had assulted Nick. Did they take samples from Nick`s clothing...hairs, fibers, anything under his finger nails and so on. This could have been an important step to find DNA on his clothing etc.. Was there an investigation on the trail he took, were there cigarettes butts around to be analyzed, gum, torn off fabric in the area, etc. No blood testing because of the cost, is it coming out of her pocket? This whole thing makes NO sense. How careless, we depend on these officials doing their jobs properly, we trust them. But NOT anymore! COVER UP...COVER UP!

I don`t understand when there is a crime seen, photos are taken, markers are laid down, blood samples are sent to the lab, and so on, this is standard procedure. They are getting away with this?

As far as the @#$&! Benson I don`t even want to go there!
It would be much to colorful of words what I think. So I will not write about this MURDERER! May he rot in HELL everlasting! I am a Catholic, but, I don`t give a @#$&! at this point.

I don`t know what conclusions you have, but in my heart I feel someone had hurt Nick. I don`t know how or why, but it is obvious someone out there assulted Nick. Nick was hurt and was looking for help. The poor kid must have been scared out of his mind. Maybe he was assulted by another sheriff and was afraid when Benson came on the seen. It states Benson had picked on some guy for nothing 21 times. Maybe Benson did something to Nick minutes earlier, funny how Benson showed up so quick, makes you wonder. It makes me believe that Benson could have hurt Nick before hand, and when Nick saw this same sheriff coming he knew this man wouldn`t help him, and Nick feared he would hurt him again. I wish I knew.....

Benson and his therory of PCP sucks @#$&! My question, if Benson sees someone in the future having a seizure or a stroke will he shoot them to and get away with it... thinking their on PCP too? Oh, I answered my own question, of course he`ll get away with it.

I am going to end this now, I am getting to dam upset, my hands are shaking I am so DAM MAD!!!!

Patti Ann and Tony, I Love you ever so much!!!!!
Love, Chickie
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Chickie 5/1/2005 5:33 pm CDT
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