Subject: Bugs and Babies
Author: Keith
Date:   6/1/2009 8:30 pm 
Just to set the record straight: I am not opposed to walking for exercise, yet the thought of hoofing it 5 kilometers (3.11 miles for the metrically challenged) is not my idea of a fun Saturday. What could have prompted pastor and family to endure a 5K walk? The babies of course! On May 9th, a vast array of fit, and not so fit, walkers turned out for the annual Walk for Life to benefit the Laurel Pregnancy Center.
The day was beautiful, and the Lord held the rainy weather off so that we could all enjoy our hike around the lake at Centennial Park. Everyone did their best to put on a happy face, despite the sweat and cramps from months of TV watching and Frito eating. All was well until we encountered a road block up ahead. What important event could have prompted a group of ten people to huddle in a circle, effectively blocking the entire footpath? Was it an injured walker or a dangerous crack in the pavement?
The cause for blocking the footpath, creating a dangerous situation for senior walkers, was none other than a bug. Yes, you read correctly, a bug. This gaggle of greenies was ooing and aawing over a tiny little red bug that looked like a 1 centimeter (.39 inches) aphid. They were snapping photos of the fuzzy red insect with expensive cameras and, no doubt, discussing their luck over discovering a red bug on their day of wilderness wonder. All of this over a bug, that could very well have decorated the tread of my shoe without anyone’s knowledge or consideration if the bug-watchers’ vigilance would have slipped a bit.
I hope that you notice the contrast of values from that day. The success and safety of a walk to protect the life of unborn babies was hindered by the ridiculous concern over a bug. Maybe the event was God’s way of encouraging me to finish my last kilometer with a renewed zeal for protecting the unborn. A portion of the 139th Psalm tells us, "For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well." There is nothing buggy about that!
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Keith 6/1/2009 8:30 pm 
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