Subject: Baby Girl Born April, 1960, Florida
Author: Jessea
Date:   4/20/2015 9:57 am CDT
If you were born April of 1960 or know someone who was, this may be of help to you or "That Someone".
Were you/they Adopted?...or believe it to be true?
It was an era of secrecy. I know this as I too was adopted that very year. I was brought to( at 3 days old) and raised in another state. My parents were/are great. Had a happy childhood and adulthood. However, I was never meant to find out....secrets were kept. It was just fine with me as I had loving parents and was a happy child, teen, and now an adult. When I became a Mother...I began to think about medical history....Hmmm? All was and is well. Still, when asked by Doctor's about this history my answer was always, "So far, so good"....I did post on a site or two and met a fantastic lady who gave birth the same year, same state/county. We shared both sides of the adoption process of 1960.It took me 6 months to give her my real name. I was now able to understand the other side. She finds comfort in knowing that the baby she was forced to relinquish has perhaps had the wonderful parents/life I had and have. I, through Ancestry DNA I have come as far as I could and was able to get some (a bit)of history, medical and other for our child. As for me/us...So far, so good! There seems to be no one that is still living that can share much and again, that is fine. As for you or that someone you may know, your/their BM is alive and well. She posts on your actual Birthday every year. Remember, during this time of secrecy many stories were told to our parents. Dates were changed on our BC along with false or omitted information. Your BM is a wonderful lady. I have all the information that really belongs to you. All is good. There is nothing to fear. In fact, all of your biological history is quite interesting and good. You have ancestors who were Farmers and the old homestead still remains for family to visit. Our parents are those who raised us however, if you(or someone you know) are the least bit curious please don't be afraid. You can find this wonderful lady by searching your actual birth date April 20, 1960, FL. This may or may not be the date on your BC. Her email is easy to find on the internet by just a quick search. Her search (on the internet) began years ago. She is kind and good and will not disrupt your life in anyway. She wishes to know that you too had a good life. Think about contacting her. You need not give any information if you wish not to. I too was afraid to search as I believed that someone (a stranger) would knock on my/our happy door. I have met this lady and I can tell you that won't ever happen. Soon to be 72 years young, she is wonderful and respectful. A true lady who has also had a good and happy life...and continues to do wonderful things for others. Her only sadness is that back in 1960, she had no options. Has never stopped wondering if the baby she was forced to walk away from grew up happy. I can't imagine having no options and having to walk away from my child. It has been interesting for me to hear from her the other side of adoption all those years ago. If you (or someone you know) believes that there could be biologically there, you will get to know a great lady and learn a bit about "Bio" history and other. Adoptee to adoptee....This will not change who we are and how our parents raised us. Nor will a bit of information hurt us or them in anyway....

A happy adoptee !
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 Baby Girl Born April, 1960, Florida  new  
Jessea 4/20/2015 9:57 am CDT
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Joi A. Perry 5/9/2015 11:00 pm CDT
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Laura 10/10/2015 9:18 pm CDT
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