Subject: Purpose of the LEarNeR Kit
Author: Ransom
Date:   2/28/2012 9:33 pm 
Dale, Joshua & Roy:

I was discussing the LEarNeR Kit with Lui and wanted to pass on a few thoughts.

Lui initially envisioned the LEarNeR Kit to allow purchasers to take the kit and run the device with overunity, in proof of LENR. His concept was not really to give them a device to test different powders. He pointed out to me that such a device with the ability to do calorimetry was already being sold. His concept was to take it a step farther and actually provide the prepared powder which based on the Team's prior tests would work to create a LENR reaction.

I think Lui envisioned that the team would start with a very simple device (before designing the actually LEarNeR Kit reactor core) test it and make sure there was overunity before designing something more advanced. If we couldn't get a reaction, he didn't see a saleable product.

So for Lui, the first order of business was to build a simple reactor container, make/buy Nickel nanopowder, deoxygenate the nickel if necessary, then hydrogenate the powder until equilibrium at one atm, then pressurize heat and test for excess heat. The actual core design was not important to him at this stage.

So for Lui, we seem to be off track (a little cart before the horse so to speak), trying to design a reactor core before we have data on a successful test. He thinks there are variables that will only be known after testing which are critical to a proper core design.

I think this needs to be discussed.
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 Purpose of the LEarNeR Kit  new  
Ransom 2/28/2012 9:33 pm 
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