Subject: Mischief or Mayhem?
Author: Pastor
Date:   5/24/2018 3:54 pm 
“Mischief or Mayhem?”

I watched an excellent play last night; excellent in my opinion not only because my daughter was a character in the production, but also excellent because of the fabulous performances all around. The Shakespeare comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream was a challenge for a Middle School cast, but the lines were delivered with humor, near-flawlessness, and in some cases real dramatic flair. Other than my favorite character of Helena, I enjoyed the antics of Oberon and Puck.
The devious fairy king Oberon, and his mischievous helper Puck, seemed to create more problems than they solved in a tangled web of love and heartbreak. Their intentions actually made sense, but their actions caused mayhem in the Athenian forest where jealousy was just as strong as love. In the end, unrequited love blossomed and all that seemed intended worked out in one fashion or another.
In real life (life outside of the make-believe of Shakespearian fantasy) can be much more dramatic than mischievous fairy imps creating drama and delusion. We often forget that Satan is working against Jesus, and the enemy of God uses his minions to create danger and mayhem for the children of God. 1 Peter 5:8 reminds us to, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”
While we have been studying through the Bible books of Ezra and Nehemiah, I have been greatly encouraged to see that it is the Lord who deals with our adversary. He is the One who fights for His children, and sometimes we just need to stand still and see the deliverance of the Lord (see Exodus 14:14). You may not be able to trust the prince of darkness, or even the Fairy Prince Oberon, but you can always trust the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ!
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 Mischief or Mayhem?  new  
Pastor 5/24/2018 3:54 pm 
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