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 Subject: Cal Prop 8 and rights
Author: Anthony Gonzales
Date:   11/1/2008 1:47 am EDT
Supposedly it is coming down to the wire on Prop 8 according to the liberal media. Millions have been spent on support for both sides of the issue. The ads for NO on 8 are down-right lies but would you expect anything else from these immoral people. The very idea that they are presenting this perversion as a "right" is ridiculous. All of our rights come from God and they do no include the "right" to be evil. Rights by their very nature involve responsibility and an acknowledgement of the giver of the rights. The government doesn't give us rights and so far in this country accoording to our constitution it is simple there to protect our fundamental GOD-GIVEN rights of LIFE, LIBERTY and the Pursuit of happiness or personal property as some documents specify.

In our form of government the government is not to be ruler and we the subjects but rather we are the sovereigns and the government is our servant. Government comes from the natural law woven into our nature by our Creator to organize our societies into a well ordered functioning political body of laws for the protection of the innocent.
The idea that the government can "give" us rights means that it can also take those rights away. But as stated above these rights and the duties that come with them are given to us by God. They are our inheritance as it were and cannot be taken away from the innocent by anyone.

We have the right to free speech, freedon of religion, freedom of association, freedom to protect ourselves and our families by the use of arms if necessary. but there is no right for living a perverse lifestyle. There is no "right" to be provided everything from the government like food, housing, clothing etc.

The fact is HOMOSEXUALITY isn't a "Right" it's a SIN! And the very definition of marriage means the union of a man and women so that they can bring forth new life because only a man and a women can do that. This isn't ROCKET SCIENCE people. It is very elementary: The egg is there and the sperm are there for one reason and one reason only, the procreation of new life. The male and female genitals were, as strange as it may seem, MADE FOR EACH OTHER! THEY FIT! All other unnatural sexual activities are so obviously perverted from this primary purpose that it is clear to anyone who is not clouded in their mind by enslavement to this vice. Tolerance, and acceptance of people as nothing to do with it. It is like a man suing the state because it will not give him the "right" to have a baby. The supposed "right" to Gay "marriage" makes as much sense. It can't be done no matter how much you pretend it can. Can't happen. won't happen even if the gays hold their breath and turn blue. I can stand in a garage and say I'm a BMW constantly for a week and you know what? I'm still going to be a man and not a BMW. Or a person can call himself a "Catholic" and "pro-Choice" but they are mutually exclusive terms you are either one or the other you cannot be both. You cannot serve two masters. Either you serve the One True God of Life or your serve the false god of death and destruction. It is either or not both and.

In the end the whole idea of "gay marriage" is a lie. They know, their supporters know it, and we know it. I think it is time we stop pretending and be real.
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 Cal Prop 8 and rights    
Anthony Gonzales 11/1/2008 1:47 am EDT
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