Subject: RE: Birth Mother searching
Author: Sterling p.corbett
Date:   1/6/2024 2:35 pm CDT
The name case Is that your biological mother's name your maiden name? My biological father I found him in 2018 he passed in 2019I had a brother and other siblings he said but the only 1 he could remember half siblings Mother's name and she was gone by a few different during that. Of time he went to jail I think it's 79 and didn't get out for 94. I said my half brother and mother was using his last name and he think she had other children as well.
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 Birth Mother searching   new  
Pat 3/21/2023 7:45 am CDT
 RE: Birth Mother searching   new  
Elizabeth White (case) 3/22/2023 7:22 pm CDT
 RE: Birth Mother searching    
Sterling p.corbett 1/6/2024 2:35 pm CDT
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