Subject: James Lehman
Author: jason bakes
Date:   6/1/2010 8:18 am 
The world lost a great man monday, May 2nd. 2010, James Lehman. Jimmy was more than a friend , he was an inspiration to any whom had the good fortune to have met him.He touched so many,many lives. His work with children ,as well as his work with adults recovering from Alcoholism and drug addiction. He unselfishly gave of himself to others that suffered from a seemingly hopeless disease.All the while suffering from chronic emphysema himself.You felt better just to have known him. He was survived by his son Jeremy, and wife Janet. James had a gift that he shared with others freely.  He will be remembered as a great man that was always helping others. Hip, slick and cool was how Jimmy rolled. I often told him that Steve Mcqueen had nothing on him. A memorial service was held in his memory on May 26th at St. Joan of Arc. In Boca Raton, Fla. The service was attended by hundreds of people who shared stories about his life through speech and song.Those who had the good fortune of knowing James will hopefully take away a part of his message to cary on, and pass on, this he wanted more than anything. I want to take a moment to thank you james for making my life a little more livable, when at times it was hard to see the light in a dark world. You taught me that in life there wasn't anything we couldn't get through together.You performed your work well with style and dignity as a gentleman. I will always remember your strength, and your smile. I will honer your spirit and your legacy.  I love and miss you jimmy, Shine with the stars brother, shine with the stars. J-RoQ
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 James Lehman    
jason bakes 6/1/2010 8:18 am 
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