Subject: RE: tire wear
Author: Mark T Rackow
Date:   7/9/2009 12:35 am EDT
Hey Rafael,
Relieved to hear you're okay. The desert, with its alluring bueaty, does not forgive. Smart move! The Catrike web site has information on adjusting toe-in. Keep the pictures coming. Many thanks, Mark
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 tire wear   new  
steve b 7/8/2009 9:00 pm EDT
 RE: tire wear   new  
Rafael 7/9/2009 11:47 am EDT
 RE: tire wear    
Mark T Rackow 7/9/2009 12:35 am EDT
 RE: tire wear   new  
John Cotton 7/9/2009 1:39 pm EDT
 RE: tire wear   new  
John Cotton 7/9/2009 1:31 pm EDT
 RE: tire wear   new  
Jim Artis 7/9/2009 9:01 pm EDT
 RE: tire wear   new  
Jim Artis 7/9/2009 10:27 pm EDT
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