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 Subject: Photo Tip of the Week!
Author: Papa bear
Date:   4/3/2007 1:33 am EDT
Tip of the week

Storage of your digital photo files on media that will last and give you reasonable storage price per photo. First always have two copies of every file that you create. I keep two copies of my raw pictures and two copies of every finished picture in TIFF format.

Every way to keep media has a life and a risk. Hard drives fail, CDs delaminate, check, break, and crack. DVDs have the same problems as CDs and keeping your photos and files on Micro drives and similar media is very expensive and they to can fail.

Answers to these problems are still on the drawing board, but until the perfect solution comes we have to make due with what we have. That is a combination of use of existing media and newer Archival DVDs that have been out for about a year. These are guaranteed to not check, crack, or delaminate for a hundred years! I use a combination of DVDs and hard drives and always keep two of everything. Everything wears out even old style film and prints so what may seem like a problem is making it possible to keep photo files for in pristine condition for more than a hundred years.

Finished prints present another challenge that involves paper and inks. You need non-acid papers and pigment inks in order to insure your prints lasting more than a few years. As usual there are choices in both areas and the better choices carry a larger price tag. There are two types of inks one is dyes, and they do just that dye the paper, and pigment that is what Cavemen used 35000 years ago to paint cave walls. Dyes fade and run and penetrate the paper to bond with the paper its self. So if the paper fails or the ink fails you have the same result. A faded or lost photo! The other thing to be aware of is Ultra Violet Rays that really damage both ink and paper in no time at all. The way to stop UV Rays is to place a piece of plastic in front of the picture. All plastic has a natural ability to filter UV Rays as the light passes through the plastic. A thin piece can protect a picture for many years and is worth the cost to protect you treasures from the ravages of time and UV Rays.

So decide for yourself the price you are willing to pay to keep your memories fresh and safe. As with most things your wallet dictates your ability to store you files for as long as you can afford.

When you are in the field and you have filled you card with those important picture it is smart to down load copies to a portable drive that can be connected to a laptop or computer found at or near your dive. I travel with a 100GB hard drive and copy my pictures to it. If possible I will also travel with DVDs to back up my card directly to the HD and then burn a DVD once I have enough files on the HD. Most every live aboard and resorts have a computer you can use to do this. Many times people around you will have a laptop you can use. I try to down load to two locations after each dive so that my card is empty for each dive. Good luck and keep those picture safe!

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