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 Subject: The Hands On Demon
Author: Paul Dale Roberts
Date:   3/10/2023 6:13 pm EDT
The Hands On Demon
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI's Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Email: jazmaonline@gmail.com
Sacramento Paranormal Haunted Hotline: 916 203 7503

Date to be there: February 4, 2023, Saturday
Time to be there: 3pm
Address to be at: 1B10C1 Dooglass Road, Stockton, CA
Contact: Lissa Earnest-Reynnolds / Annette Gainnes
Case # 20B9603Z7911
Case # 20X95137363
Activity: Lisa says: "Hello, it's me again asking for your help my mom just bought a house in 2021 and my daughter moved in with her and instantly would say it felt like someone was touching her all over her body and sexually now my daughter has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and is currently in a mental hospital so if you can come to my mom's home and hopefully remove whatever is there I would appreciate it.

This investigation was canceled, because Lisa's daughter was hospitalized on 2/3/2023. I talked with Lisa and explained that if she feels her daughter has an attachment, then she needs to take her to a Baptist Church and get a full body submersion baptism. This is a basic form of exorcism and if she has an attachment, the attachment will immediately leave. I also explained to Lisa on how to self-bless her home with angel figurines that have been dipped in holy water. After she dips them in holy water, she is to say a protection prayer for each one, asking for God's angels to protect her, her home and family. Lisa is to place those angel figurines at all of the openings to her home, windows and doorways and that will bring positive energy into the home.
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 The Hands On Demon    
Paul Dale Roberts 3/10/2023 6:13 pm EDT
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