Subject: DNR State Fair fishin' Pond help
Author: Nick
Date:   7/20/2022 11:01 am EDT
DNR is asking for help at the State Fair Fishing Pond. Unde the link below to sign up

DNR State Fair Fishin’ Pond

I am sure most of you know that the Indiana State Fair is just over a week away. The DNR State Fair Fishin’ Pond could use a little help with volunteers to introduce fishing to our fairgoers! Below are the shifts we have left to fill. Volunteers get a ticket to get into the fair, a free parking pass and a t-shirt, plus a wonderful feeling of sharing the love of fishing with others! You can sign up at this link; DNR: DNR State Fair Fishin' Pond or if you have questions you can reach out to Amanda Cushman and Pat Cooper at
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 DNR State Fair fishin' Pond help    
Nick 7/20/2022 11:01 am EDT
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