Subject: BTW fishing?
Author: Wenbo Li
Date:   4/16/2024 12:34 am EDT
I'm just curious—are people still fishing the Brookville tailwaters? I haven't seen many recent discussions about it except for the Brookville tailwater fishing report on Facebook. It has been a special place for me, lots of fun and good memories... It was such a wonderful place to practice any type of fishing. I used to fish BTW twice a week during COVID years. My last trip there was in March 2023. The stream was beautiful, and I caught small brown trout using dry flies (midges and winter stones).I wonder how the fishing is going right now. I'll check it out myself, but I'd love to see more discussions about BTW.
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 BTW fishing?    
Wenbo Li 4/16/2024 12:34 am EDT
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