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 Subject: RE: ball of foot
Author: Jerry
Date:   5/11/2005 5:55 am PDT
Dr. Bernie-Thanks very much for the referal.

Steff-I had the same sensation 2 years ago. The first Podiatrist I went to diagnosed it as a neuroma, or a benign growth on a nerve. He gave me a cortisone shot which did no good. Within a few months, the funny feeling like my sock was crumbled turned into pain in the ball of the foot. The second Podiatrist said it was not a neuroma, but some sort of nerve neuropathy and suggested I see a Neurologist. The Neurologist said I had neuropathy in the foot which could be caused by any number of things-diabetes, pinched nerve, toxin in the blood, vitamin deficiency, etc. Blood tests were run and nothing was found. The third Podiatrist, after taking x-rays, said he did not think I had a neuroma but some sort of nerve damage. I now wear shoes with "rocker soles" and have very soft inserts.My shoes are also the widest I could find to keep from squeezing the toes. The wide shoes with rocker soles and soft inserts have offered the best relief of anything I have tried. I found that special made orthodics made the problem worse. My suggestion would be to go to a Podiatrist and get a complete work-up and go from there.
As Dr. Bernie has made a good point that my problem may not be the same as yours. However, our symptoms are very similar. Dr. Bernie will probably reply to my comments and if he suggests something different, please take his advice since he devotes a lot of time to this forum and has been practicing medicine for a long time. My Dr.'s degree is not in medicine but I have just spent two years trying to figure out what the heck was going on in my foot and hopefully, you can benefit from my experience. Please feel free to email if you would like to discuss further. Jerry
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