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 Subject: RE: Birth defects Stats
Author: Keri Greenseid, MD
Date:   2/13/2012 11:16 pm EDT
Dear Anon,
Studies show that IVF does not seem to result in a higher rate of chromosome abnormalities (such as Down Syndrome) compared to those conceived naturally.
However, there are some studies showing that the use of ICSI and male factor infertility may increase the risk of chromosome abnormalities. Subfertile men and women may be more likely than fertile individuals to have chromosome abnormalities that contribute to their subfertility and may be passed to their offspring.
The data regarding the risk of congential anomalies after IVF is conflicting. Many studies have shown no increase in risk of congenital malformations in children born after IVF. However - other studies do suggest an increase in risk, including a large meta analysis which suggested about a doubling in risk of anomalies from ~4% in the general population versus ~8.6-9% in the ICSI/IVF population. It is not known whether the excess risk of congenital anomalies is related to the procedures of IVF and ICSI, or the drugs used to treat infertility, or related to underlying infertility, or other factors that differentiate patients who need IVF versus those that do not.
Chances are higher with multiples.
Best of Luck,
Keri Greenseid

Conclusion — In summary, at the present time, it appears that conception with ART is associated with about a 30 percent increase in risk of having a child with congenital malformations [91]. The physiological mechanism by which IVF might influence the development of the fetus is unclear. Additional studies are clearly needed. For now, patients can be reassured that the absolute risk of having a child with a congenital anomaly is low (the population baseline risk 2 to 4 percent is potentially increased by about one-third with ART).
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Anon 2/13/2012 5:56 pm EDT
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Nari 2/13/2012 8:21 pm EDT
 RE: Birth defects Stats    
Keri Greenseid, MD 2/13/2012 11:16 pm EDT
 RE: Birth defects Stats f/u   new  
Anon 2/14/2012 9:00 am EDT
 RE: Birth defects Stats f/u   new  
Keri Greenseid, MD 2/15/2012 11:01 pm EDT
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