Subject: Allergies
Author: Rackum18
Date:   1/31/2008 7:51 pm 
I suffer from severe allergies. I never had allergies growing up but in the last 6 years I have developed allergies that have made my life miserable on days. I have tried every allergy drug (over the counter and prescribed) available. The last time I visited my general practitioner (about three months ago) he told me that if the prescribed drug he gave me didn’t work than nothing would work because he had given me everything that he knew of. I was devastated… can there be nothing out there to help me!! I couldn’t believe it.

I was introduced to BioAstin from a friend of mine and I started taking one caplet in hopes of getting allergy relief. In a matter of two weeks I was experiencing effects that I didn’t even anticipate. So you see, I also sleep horrible, I have tried Tylenol PM, Sleep and Restore, Benadryl…I even kept a sleep log. But BioAstin helped me with my sleep issues. I am now able to sleep throughout the night without waking up 5-6 times and I wake up completely rested. My husband stealing the blankets at night is the only thing waking me up now!!

Another unexpected result has been my eye sight. I have noticed improved clarity overall. It’s weird….but everything is sharper and clearer. I had my annual eye exam on Jan 17th and my eye doctor told me that I was able to read the 20/15 line. I was amazed. After reading more on Astaxanthin and the effects it has on the eyes I can now understand why I am seeing so much better.

SO now back to the allergies. I started to take two caplets about two and a half weeks into starting on BioAstin and within two weeks I have experienced significant improvement in my allergies. I no longer want to rip my eyes and nose off my face from irritation. For the first time this week I can honestly say that I went an entire day without even realizing that I didn’t have an allergy attack, it didn’t affect or phase me at all. I am going to continue to take two caplets….the allergies are not completely gone but the improvement is motivating enough for me to continue with it. It’s just really nice that this is not a drug that what I am taking is all natural…from the earth and it WORKS. It’s great! I tell my customers about it at my job and I can’t wait to introduce my dad who suffers from gout and my mom who has pain in her hands to try it. I am seeing them this weekend and I can’t wait to hear that they are getting relief, i know they will! I will keep you posted!
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Rackum18 1/31/2008 7:51 pm 
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