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Author: jose diaz
Date:   6/5/2008 6:22 pm EDT
Hi, xrays can be done now ( would be consider a preliminar ) but a final would be done by 2 yrs old. Why do you want to xray her ? If you think her hips are bad she shouldn't be able to jump,run and will have trouble sitting and getting up...If none of these are happening why do a xray? you are exposing her to radiation that should be done only if necessary.
If you are in Miami,I'll be happy to take a look at her and see how the hips look
Vets always tell you that you want to spay your dog to lower the risk of her geting cancee. This is the way I see spaying: would anyone cut their wives/mothers breast or take her uterus out so she wouldn't get Cancer? Then why do it to your dog....Any time a dog is put under anesthesia there is a big risk ,of course the vets will tell you otherwise,but nonetheless force you to sign a release so you won't blame/suit them.
Spaying/neutering also make most dogs fat and affect their animal instincts.
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