Subject: G'S Request Form on G'S site Up
Author: Gary Schaefer
Date:   2/9/2018 4:34 pm CDT
? any DNA testing yet

We recommend to adoptees that they do the autosomal DNA test with all three major testing companies (Ancestry, FTDNA and 23andMe). Start with Ancestry as they now have over 6 million customers tested. Fishing in all three DNA company ponds gives those searching the best chance for receiving a closer match with a biological relative.

If male, they should also do the Y-DNA 37 marker test with FTDNA as it sometimes leads to the identity of the paternal surname.

Most birth fathers in adoptions are not on any birth certificates or records of adoption or if one is listed many times it is not the real birth father so DNA testing is the best way to find a birth father.

G'S Request Form Instructions page http://www.gsadoptionregistry.com/requestforminstructions.html

G'S Most Common Mistakes Made When Filling Out Form page http://www.gsadoptionregistry.com/mostcommonmistakes.html

How To Update Your Form page http://www.gsadoptionregistry.com/howtoupdateyourform.html

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 G'S Request Form on G'S site Up    
Gary Schaefer 2/9/2018 4:34 pm CDT
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