Subject: Guardian Angels
Author: Brody Witt
Date:   1/26/2018 7:49 pm 
The church teaches that each one of us is given a guardian angel the moment we are conceived. Their only purpose is to protect us from the temptations of the devil and to assist us during our Earthly life. For some reason, we are taught about these angels at an early age, but forget about them while we get older.

A guardian angel’s purpose is to assist us to get to heaven, but they are not able to fully help us if we do not let them know our needs. This would be like going to the doctor but not telling him any of your symptoms. The doctor can try to help but it would be easier if he had all the information given to him. The same thing can be said about our guardian angels. That is why it is important for us to pray to them for our needs, fears, and desires.

It is truly a blessing from God that he provides so many tools for us to use to get to heaven. Our family, friends, the saints, our Blessed Mother, and even our guardian angels all desire for us to be with God and wish to help us. So why ignore someone who was given to help us at our conception?

If you wish to renew or start your relationship with your guardian angel, the best place to start is by praying the prayer to one’s guardian angel at least once a day.
Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
To whom God's love
commits me here,
Ever this day,
be at my side,
To light and guard,
Rule and guide.
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Brody Witt 1/26/2018 7:49 pm 
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