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 Subject: RE: possible Liz-Franc injury? Diagnose it for me.
Author: Foot Doc
Date:   5/1/2007 10:21 am PDT
Irrespective of the fact that I spend about half of my posting time on this site advising that this and forums such as this are inappropriate venues for establishing diagnoses, if, as you state, you have read about Lisfranc injuries, you should have realized that my advice regarding the inability to diagnosis here would apply even more-so to a condition which is often initially missed, even with a hands-on diagnosis. But to answer your specific bottom-line question in the only responsible manner in which I am able . . . Yes, you COULD have, among other things, a Lisfranc injury. But nothing you have said points exclusively to that.

The over-riding question that I have for YOU, is . . . at the age of 30, and based on your stated propensity for sports-related foot and ankle injuries, why is it that you cannot make the adult decision either that such activities are not suited for you or be willing to resign yourself to pain and disability? In as much as it is unlikely that you will be drafted by the Dolphins or any other major or minor sports team, unless you resign yourself to being a fan rather than a participant, even the brightest and best of medical care will potentially afford you only a brief respite from your self-induced trauma.

Though you might choose to discount my advice, I personally believe that you have far gotten more than your money's-worth from it here. Ball's in YOUR court!
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 possible Liz-Franc injury? Diagnose it for me.   new  
Gunner 5/1/2007 8:52 am PDT
 RE: possible Liz-Franc injury? Diagnose it for me.    
Foot Doc 5/1/2007 10:21 am PDT
 RE: possible Liz-Franc injury? Diagnose it for me.   new  
glenda 5/6/2007 9:18 pm PDT
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