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 Subject: Plantars Fasciitis
Author: Kim
Date:   8/19/2004 10:37 pm PDT
I was diagnosed last Nov. with PF by my primary care doctor. I was seen two times, given exercises to do, but with no improvement I was referred to podiatry. I have been seeing the podiatrist since March of this year. I bought the shoes he told me to, I had orthodics made, I wear a night splint, I do exercises, I took a month off work (I stand at work), I take anti-inflamatory pills. The only thing I haven't done is the shots because I hate shots, and the doctor said they have the same effect as the pills...not a cure, just a quick fix until the PF resolves itself...which he says happens in 98% of his cases.

Everything has got much worse over the last few months. I walk with a VERY pronounced limp and am in constant pain. I can't stand for more than 5 minutes without pain and about the same for walking. I have developed a bunion that is very painful and it feels like I am walking on needles on the contact points of my feet. Maybe bone spurs, I don't know. I did have a bone spur on my other foot when they did xrays (in March) but that foot doesn't hurt much (although I do have PF in it, it is not painful unless I favor the bad foot too much and then the good foot starts hurting more).

I have tried so hard to avoid surgery but it looks like it is inevitable now. I just ABSOLUTELY do not want surgery. Is there anything else out there? My doctor seems offended that I don't want isn't him, I just want to exhaust all avenues before I do surgery.
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Kim 8/19/2004 10:37 pm PDT
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Kim 8/19/2004 11:37 pm PDT
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David Zuckerman DPM 8/21/2004 6:00 am PDT
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Albert Johns 2/28/2007 8:31 am PDT
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Dr. Ozer 8/21/2004 2:14 pm PDT
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Jackie 9/26/2004 2:44 pm PDT
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Dr. Ozer 10/13/2004 7:25 pm PDT
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Jackiee 10/17/2004 2:07 pm PDT
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Robyn 8/21/2004 7:58 pm PDT
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Penny 9/10/2004 1:49 pm PDT
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Kim 9/10/2004 4:20 pm PDT
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Jackie 9/26/2004 2:58 pm PDT
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Kim 8/21/2004 9:10 pm PDT
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Sally 9/16/2004 8:24 pm PDT
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Jackie 9/26/2004 3:03 pm PDT
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Dede 5/30/2007 1:52 pm PDT
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