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 Subject: RE: Plantars Fasciitis
Author: Dr. Ozer
Date:   8/21/2004 2:14 pm PDT
It seems you have a heel spur condition in addition to the plantar fasciitis. Most doctors don't recognize that a heel spur will be filled in with bone when viewing it on an x-ray and just tell the patient they have a fasciitis problem. Modern Minimal Incision Surgery can remove the spur and release the fascia throught a pin-sized opening on the side of the foot. The patient is in their own shoe, no stitches and can get the foot wet the next day. You are ambulating throughout the healing period. You should seek a doctor trained in minimally invasive surgery for a consult.

Kim wrote:
I was diagnosed last Nov. with PF by my primary care doctor. I was seen two times, given exercises to do, but with no improvement I was referred to podiatry. I have been seeing the podiatrist since March of this year. I bought the shoes he told me to, I had orthodics made, I wear a night splint, I do exercises, I took a month off work (I stand at work), I take anti-inflamatory pills. The only thing I haven't done is the shots because I hate shots, and the doctor said they have the same effect as the pills...not a cure, just a quick fix until the PF resolves itself...which he says happens in 98% of his cases.

Everything has got much worse over the last few months. I walk with a VERY pronounced limp and am in constant pain. I can't stand for more than 5 minutes without pain and about the same for walking. I have developed a bunion that is very painful and it feels like I am walking on needles on the contact points of my feet. Maybe bone spurs, I don't know. I did have a bone....
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